Sunday 1st – Afternoon at Care4Kids

“Chaos!” would just about sum up today’s visit to the care for kids orphanage.
Within seconds of leaving the safety of the bus, everyone had kids jumping on them and throwing vortexs at them. I made the mistake of opening a pack of lollies and got mauled. A little girl named Samin did not let go of me the whole time. No words were needed, all she wanted was someone to hold her hand.

Buenos Aeries! Spanish is some what non-existent here, just in case you were confused. Sundays are always great, on Sundays you expect to see God move and not for any particular reason other than purely because it’s a Sunday. Today He didn’t disappoint, from our church service this morning we heard of how we are all ambassadors or Christ, that we should resemble Christ like attributes; to actually living that out. Spending time in the orphanage was heart breaking, and I’m certain I am yet to fully appreciate it all. Seeing how happy they were to see us and we didn’t even talk, just standing along side some of them was all the affirmation they needed. After 20 seconds of talking with a beautiful young girl named Grace, she said I was her ‘friend’. I didn’t deserve that honour, but I will uphold it!
They, most certainly, are the most valuable in the Kingdom of God! Who needs gifts for a birthday present, when I get to experience that!
dan dean

Hello hello, well today was certainly something I have never experienced. As you’ve read above we went to visit the orphanage and the welcome we got was amazing. To see how happy and thankful the kids are when all we do is just hang out with them, and how thankful they are to God for the position they are in. It really put into perspective how much I take my whole life in Australia for granted, I don’t even thank God every night for what he has provided me back home and yet these kids offer everything to the Lord. It was truly a humbling experience. Can’t wait to go back and spend more time with them.
Sammy Buscombe.
P.s I think I’m going to bring one of the kids home, they give you a look you can’t refuse.
Why hello :D
Sunday church in Uganda isn’t exactly the most exiting part of the week for a 14 yr old girl. Although it was very different.
But watching all the Ugandans praise the lord was only slightly more than I expected.
Was fair wow.
I knew they would be full on into church but seeing it for myself was truly amazing.
The woman next to me cried and I just put my arm around her which seemed to help.
The children came into church after singing some gorgeous songs. One little girl named Fiona sat behind me.
She reached ever so lightly reached into my hair so I felt nothing, then pulled out a single hair.
Little bit ouch… she tapped my shoulder and I turned around she showed me the hair and asked if she could keep it with a big smile on her face. I was surprised than something so little but foreign (my straight blonde hair) could bring a smile to her face. I glanced back many times only to see her playing with that single piece of hair.

The orphanage was a highlight.
Quite amazing.
When I first got there I was greeted with hugs and children holding my hand.
After talking to a few kids I went to a small house thing. There were 3 kids in their 2 girls about 5 yrs old and a 3 yr old boy.
They were a little hesitant and stayed in their little house until I played chasey and tickled them out.
I played chasey with a large handful of kids and the group kept getting bigger. The kids had endless energy but after a short while I was puffed. Chasing 15 odd kids was hard work!
I took them all behind a shed in the shade and taught them how to play duck, duck goose.
Then they taught me how to play some of their games.
Then everyone scattered and only a few girls from the previous group stayed and insisted on teaching me how they dance.
I taught them a bit of my dancing… one girl kept laughing whenever I moved my hips to show them (bottom out hand out…)
Africa is very amazing and I am really enjoying myself.
I have two African admirers one who asked me to marry him… nice kid: D we’re good friends.
Miss my family and friends-
Kirstie C:D

Hey, well care 4 kids was really a huge experience for me, I don’t really know what to do with young kids, so was kinda confused as to what to expect, that combined with a rolled ankle meaning I couldn’t run around and just play sport, I was expecting a challenging arvo, it took me a few minutes to settle in, but after a bit I realised all these kids want is time, love, affection, just the simple act of holding a kids hand was enough, the smiles on their faces said enough! It was hard to believe that kids come from such hard circumstances, they are happier than anything. It was really moving to spend time with kids who have been given an opportunity, and to really think about the fact that what we are doing is changing lives, its not just bricks and mortar, It was awesome! If your reading this and haven’t been over here, you totally should, if the opportunity arrises, I would strongly recommend.
Mark Matho Matheson

I stepped off the bus with a soccer ball in my hand. I thought the kids were coming up trying to get the ball, but actually they wanted to grab me and hold my hand. As I kicked the ball away, a couple of kids chased after it, but others hung around us and wanted to be picked up and held. The place became chaotic as kids and team members ran around kicking balls, throwing vortexes and climbing all over each other. Other kids who were less energetically inclined hung out with some of the team who were also less energetically inclined. We all had an awesome time, no-one wanted to leave, and we are all looking forward to going back. The best part for me was that it gave a glimpse of what we are building here at Hope Village.
Uganda, red mud, dirty clothes, posho and beans, a shower that doesn’t work, shopping in a village where mzungu are easy pickings …… why would you want to be here. White teeth,

sparkling eyes, radiant smiles, snotty noses and kids that just want to hug you are just hold your hand, that’s why. As the ‘good book’ says ‘what ever you do for the least of these you are doing for me.’ Now not saying the people here are the least as they bleed the same blood that I do and they are cherished by our heavenly father and they are his children just as I am. It is really hard to get your head around the wealth/poverty line, the haves and the have nots. So if you’re reading this you have access to a computer, millions in this country have never seen one, think about what you can do to make just one person or child’s life different.
How can you have expectations for what we have all stepped into…. The work is sweaty before breakfast has even been served and I wonder why I have taken holidays to get my hands

blistered and cut, so dirty that I only can remember what colour they once were, even after washing. Then one afternoon we take a bus down a track that could be described only as that… A bumpy dusty track which brings us to a large gate, before the gate has even closed behind us they all start appearing, a few at first with glowing eyes and eager smiles, there is a child clinging to my hand before I have stepped off the bus. And then it begins, an eruption of noise and energy we have arrived at the ‘care for kids’ orphanage. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced, completely overwhelming, however the kids are like any other in any other place…They want someone to play with, the time of an adult, and to be picked up and held, there are so many, I realize why I have taken ‘holidays’.
Being a nanny and a waitress I didn’t really think that I would be able to contribute much to this whole ‘building an orphanage’ thing… as I can’t build! But since coming here I have realised that this project is so much more than that. As important as the actual building is, building relationships with the people here is as equally important… and that is something I can do!!! In fact, here in this country, building relationships with people isn’t very hard at all, as all the people here are extremely welcoming and accepting. Within minutes of meeting you they classify you as their friend and they have even been referring to people from team one (who spent only three weeks with them) as some of their best friends. This is incredibly mind blowing for me, as in Australia it usually takes a fair while to establish a relationship.

As challenging as this experience has been for me, so far, both emotionally and physically I am very thankful that God chose me (a mere nanny/waitress) to be a part of this amazing project that will change the lives of many people… more than I realised it would!