Friday 30th
Today we arrived in Jinja Uganda, after many hours travelling. To our great relief, all of our luggage including shovels arrived with us. We were met by Ivan and a boy from the house next door to Hope Village called Noah. They took us to our bus for the trip to Jinja- an amazing experience of complete disregard for road rules and the realisation that this is a very different place to Australia. We arrived in time for lunch and made our acquaintance with “posho”. We were spared the combination of it with beans, instead having a rather tasty egg plant topping.
After lunch we settled in, some of us resting and catching up on sleep, others fought jet lag by getting straight into some brick laying.
Dinner was rice, beans, chipatta – a rather thick pancake- and pineapple that was so good I really liked it and I don’t like pineapple.
An early night for most as we try to adjust our sleeping clocks.
hey Ron, you must finally be tasting pineapples that have real taste - Aussie pineapples taste crap. blessings
How good is real pineapple! Solomons pineapple is the same - just a completely different experience